This week’s news
It was a great pleasure to showcase our school to a visiting Headteacher from Lincolnshire this week. Mrs Watson was a pupil at our school, then as a grown up became a teaching assistant and then a teacher at Northstead before moving to Lincolnshire. She commented very positively about the feeling of the school, about the positivity and the happiness of the children and could see the immense amount of work going on in school to strive for continual improvement. Our school is improving in so many ways and I am so thankful to everyone who is working together to help with this. We are creating something special together – some days are tough – some days are amazing. But each and every day, we aim high to ensure our children receive the very best education we can give them. Every child, every family and every employee has a key role to play in this.
On Thursday of this coming week, we will have five visitors in school to complete a whole school review. This will help to further identify the many strengths we have in place but also to help identify further improvements. We look forward to welcoming Lis, Ian, Rosie, Asa and Steffan. Lis is our school improvement advisor from NYCC. Ian, Steffan, Rosie and Asa are all part of Selby Educational Trust. Selby Educational Trust are our chosen partner for a year long school improvement project.
Also this week, we had the pleasure to showing off our school to many prospective parents who have children set to start school in September 2024. It was heart-warming to hear from so many of them the positive messages they have had from current parents and carers about our school and the education we provide. Thanks to each and every one of you. Your positive messages mean so much to everyone working in our school.
This is the Coast visited school today…. (See facebook post below from them)
600 in the school hall! Today, Paddy visited Northstead School in Scarborough to film ‘Sleeps Til’ Santa’s Here’ with Flixton Sawmill! Northstead will sing 17 Sleeps on the radio at 7:40am, 8:40am & 3:40pm on Friday 8th December.
Thanks to Mrs Valancius for organising this for school.
Attendance Matters
Happily, our attendance continues to improve. Our aim for attendance – ‘Every lesson, Every Day’.
No 100% classes this week and so I don’t get to give out the whole class 100% prize. Well done to those classes getting over 95%.
During the next week, attendance letters will be sent to parents/carers of children with attendance below 90%.
As a parent, you are legally responsible for making sure your child attends school, usually from the age of 5 to 16. For most parents, this will mean making sure your child is in school every day except when: – Your child is too ill to go to school.
Coming up…
With so many events coming up in school over the coming weeks, please remember to write your name on your tickets and to bring them with you if attending. It helps to speed up the process and ensures our fire safety registers are in place. As well as our own Christmas nativities and Christmas Fair, please also take a look at the event below which is coming up on Sunday 3rd December.

In our classrooms this week…
Year 6 have been looking at fossils and ordering life on earth as part of our Evolution and Inheritance topic in Science. This was certainly an exciting start to our science, we are looking forward to what else is to come!

Year 3 have been getting creative in Art this week working with primary colours but no paintbrushes! Inspired by artists Charlie French and Marella Zacharias, we used a variety of tools such as sticks, spoons, sponge and cardboard to make marks and to express ourselves in bright colours and different patterns. It was a lot of fun.
In year 2, the children have loved tasting different pizza toppings this week, ready to design their own pizzas next week. Watch out, as we will be inviting parents/carers in to school to join us as pizza making chefs in the upcoming weeks. The children have been learning all about 3d shapes and their properties this week. Can you go on a 3d shape hunt and help the children describe the shapes using key vocabulary, such as, faces, edges and vertices? Happy shape hunting year 2!
in EYFS, we started our week in style on the red carpet, celebrating being unique! We had singers, dancers, gymnasts, artists and rainbows just to name a few. We have also been busy writing lists for Cinderella’s party and matching numbers to 5!
Another fantastic week of learning and new experiences in year 5. We finished reading The Tempest and have written our own scripts! We will practice playing these out over the weeks leading to Christmas. In science we completed an investigation involving dissolving sugar in water. This is in preparation for planning our independent investigations next week. Can your child tell you what a solute, solvent and solution are? Class 18 have completed some independent study in geography – what are the positive and negatives of living near a volcano? Class 18 worked efficiently and with amazing team working skills during their research and produced some wonderful pieces of work.

Year 1 have been exploring the five senses. This week, we focussed our attention on the sense of smell. Yesterday, we all visited a smell station filled with ‘smell pots’. Some had pleasant smells, some not so pleasant! The contents were hidden, so we had to work hard to predict what we could smell and where we had smelled it before. Afterwards, we visited a herb garden which had been set up in our classroom. We learnt that herbs are plants and that they have a strong smell. We rubbed the leaves between our fingers and used our sense of smell to decide if we recognised it. We thought about which herb had the strongest smell and which was our favourite. Mint received the most votes and was the clear favourite! What super scientists we have in Year 1!