Welcome back to the Summer term. This will be a shorter blog post than usual due to a newsletter being sent home yesterday. Please make a note of all the dates for this term. There is a lot going on!
Yesterday, our families should have received an email with a letter from myself and our chair of Governors alongside our recent OFSTED report. If you have not received this email, please let our office team know.
Attendance Matters
Just like our previous terms, we will again have prizes up for grabs for every child who achieves 95% attendance this term. Thanks to Everyone Active for their continued support with this.
This week! We did it! We finally had a day when our whole school attendance was over 95%!
Monday 92.77% -> Tuesday 93.78% -> Wednesday 94.2% -> Thursday 94.87% -> Friday 95.04%
Whole school attendance this week: 94.13%
Whole school attendance for this year: 92.9% (More work to be done to get us to at least 94% by the end of the year)
I think this is the first Friday this year when our attendance has been higher than any other day. Thanks for your ongoing support. Not to sound like a broken record but regular attendance at school really makes a difference to the progress and attainment of your child(ren).
Reading Rocks!
It has been wonderful to see our children engaged in their new focus texts this week. I’ve seen dragons appearing around school, a bakery has popped up in year 4 and a mysterious museum is being learnt about in year 3. Our approach to reading and writing has been very transformational this year. Our children and staff are enjoying our new ‘Literacy Tree’ approach and it is making a huge difference to the standard of work they are producing in English. Keep it up everyone!
Curriculum Newsletters
You should have received a curriculum newsletter this week via class dojo. This gives you an insight into learning for your child’s year group over the summer term.
Thanks for your continued support of our school.
Mr Hopper