Hello and welcome to my first blog of summer term 2.
Wykeham Lakes (Y3/4/5/6) https://www.northyorkshirewaterpark.co.uk/
An amazing week for the children in years 3,4,5 and 6 as they enjoyed a visit to North Yorkshire Water Park this week for a great day of outdoor and adventurous activities. Children participated in a low ropes course, zip-line, raft-building and also had the opportunity to have a go on the inflatable obstacle course on the lake. The feedback from the waterpark has been overwhelmingly positive about our children, about their manners, their resilience, their attitudes, their teamwork. The children and staff who have attended all week have represented our school in the most amazing ways this week. What a community we are together!
Speedkix (EYFS/Y1/Y2) https://www.speedkix.co.uk/
On 26th and 27th June, it will be the turn of our EYFS, Y1 and Y2 children to take part in some outdoor and adventurous activities as we welcome Speedkix to our school for the first time. I am sure the children will have an amazing time and enjoy the opportunity afforded to them.
Phonics Screening Check (Y1/2)
At the end of year one, children are tested on 40 words. Some ‘normal’ words and some ‘alien’ or ‘nonsense’ words. During this, the children use the phonics knowledge they have learnt to read the words to their teacher during a 1 on 1 session.
A huge well done to all the children in year one and some in year two who completed their phonics screening check this week. They approached it with determination, responsibility and a real can-do attitude. Results of the phonics screening check will be shared with parents in their end of year report.
Multiplication Tables Check (Y4)
In June of year four, children complete the DFE Multiplication Tables Check. They use an online platform to test their times tables knowledge up to 12×12 with children given 25 questions to answer and 6 seconds per question. An important factor in mathematical fluency, being able to know times tables up to 12×12 fluently enables children to apply this knowledge across many other areas of maths more easily. The more the children revise and enjoy learning times tables – the easier maths can be for them in future years. A big well done to the children who took the check this past two weeks. Again, like the phonics screening check, the results will be available in their end of year report.
Congratulations to Miss Galinski who recently got married. Upon her return this week, she will be known as Mrs Makin.
Well done Miss Johnson
A huge well done to Miss Hannah Johnson (Teaching student) who has been successful in obtaining her first teaching post in September 2024 at Kirkbymoorside Primary School. Miss Johnson has been an amazing student with us in Y4 this year and we wish her all the best for her future career.
Staffing News
Mrs Carole Graham will be leaving us at the end of this year after twenty years of service as a lunchtime supervisor. We wish Mrs Graham all the best for the future and thank her for the endless cold, wet and windy lunchtimes where she has supported and supervised our children since March 2003.
Attendance News
This year’s attendance now stands at 93.11% (Below target set and below the national average for primary schools)
Last week’s attendance was 92.35%
A reminder to all parents/carers that our target for attendance is 95%. Every day matters and every day in school is important.
New attendance guidance for September has now been released by the Department for Education. This can be found here…
A summary of this will be included in my end of year report to our community.
Who is my child’s next teacher(s)?
The question that we often get asked at this time of year when standing on the gate.
Prior to our transition days (4th and 5th July), your child’s new class teacher will be visiting their classroom, working with their current class teacher and other support and pastoral staff and completing important transition meetings to get to know your child. An opportunity to meet your child’s new class teacher is planned in the calendar of events for the summer term. Information on your child’s new teacher or teachers will be shared via email on 17th June 2024 via the school’s scholarpack email system.