Shaun Hopper

September 15, 2023

Headteacher News 18-9-23

Always Learning…. Aiming for Excellence This week, I’ve had the pleasure of focusing on some of my own learning as Headteacher and I was able to […]
September 12, 2023

Headteacher Awards 11-9-23

Well done to our first Headteacher award winners for 2023-2024. All children who achieve a Headteacher Award are able to choose a book of their choice […]
September 8, 2023

Lunchtime Opportunities

Lunchtime Opportunities for Children   Day Where What Who   Monday 12-12:20   Year Three   TT Rockstars Club   Mrs Crow and Mrs Tennyson   […]
September 8, 2023

Headteacher Blog 1 of 2023-2024 (8-9-23)

Welcome back to the new school year. The first few days of the new school year have flown by with the children acting responsibly, respectfully and […]
July 7, 2023

Headteacher news 7-7-23

Wow! I cannot believe how much has taken place since I last posted a blog for the website. We’ve recently completed seven transition evenings, 4 sports […]
May 21, 2023

Headteacher News 21-5-23

KS1 SATS A huge well done to all of our Y2 children who enjoyed their KS1 ‘quiz’ time this week. The children have been the best […]
May 12, 2023

Headteacher News 12-05-23

Y6 SATS WEEK Well, there we go. My first Y6 SATS week as a Headteacher has been and gone and I couldn’t be prouder of our […]
May 5, 2023

Headteacher’s News 05-05-23

Here we are, the week before the end of key stage two tests. Our children in year 6 have worked incredibly hard and battled to be […]
March 25, 2023

Weekly Headteacher News 24-3-23

A first for me this week in school. It was amazing to be joined by one of our AV robots in our Star of the Week […]