General News

February 5, 2023

Safer Internet Day – 7/2/23

Assembly this week and learning in school will focus on how we must stay safe online and how we can help each other to stay safe […]
February 3, 2023

Headteacher’s News 3-2-23

WOW! Check out this home learning! Elizabeth in 2JV loved her non-fiction reading book ‘How to make a peach treat’ so much that she has been […]
January 28, 2023

Headteacher’s News 27-1-2023

As another week passes by and another week where more incredible children continue to amaze me with their positive attitudes and dedication in and out of […]
January 27, 2023

Attendance League Table Update (Week ending 27-1-23)

Attendance Matters – Week Commencing 23rd January 2023  Whole School Attendance this week = 92.47%  Whole School attendance 22/23 = 93.05%  1st Place this week = […]
January 20, 2023

Headteacher News 20-1-23

Well done to our Governors! This week, we were visited by our school education advisor to audit the work our governing body do for our school. […]