World Book Day 2
World Book Day – A Celebration of our love of reading
World Book Day – Staff
World Book Day
What a wonderful world book day we have had this week. A truly memorable for all the children and staff in school. I heard a large dinosaur called Dave was roaming the corridors at one point. A big well done to all of the community who came together to celebrate our love of reading at Northstead Community Primary School.
School Disco
A letter was given to children today with news of our Easter Disco. Thanks to Friends of Northstead for arranging another amazing opportunity to attend the disco and enjoy time with their friends. On this occasion, we are also holding a cafe in our y3 classrooms so please feel free to stay and enjoy a cup of tea and a cake with your friends as well. All donations raised from the disco will go towards supporting children’s opportunities in our school.
Our year 6 children will be taking their SATS in May. They are working tremendously hard (as are all other children). A local teacher has asked us to provide details of an opportunity for Y6 children to attend additional classes to further boost their learning. These classes take place every Thursday from 4:30-6:30pm at YMCA. The contact is satsnoproblem@gmail.com or whatsapp 07707365457 or check it out on facebook satsnoproblem
(This service is not affiliated with school and we do not conduct any checks on the quality of service – these should be done by parents who are interested in their children attending).
Attendance this week…..
Monday – 92.68% Tuesday 92.26% Wednesday – 92.93% Thursday – 94.28% Friday – 90.74%
Attendance this week is 92.58 (below our average)
Academic year to date is 92.87
We keep on aiming to have at least one day where we achieve 95% and to strive to improve our yearly average to 94% by the end of the year.
Well done to classes 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 21 for having a weekly attendance above our yearly average.
Attendance Policy and Letters
This week, in line with the school policy, we have issued a number of attendance and punctuality letters to parents and carers due to their child’s attendance and/or punctuality not being in line with the expectations set by the Department for Education.
The attendance policy can be found here…
The following letters have been issued this week to parents and carers in relation to poor attendance and punctuality.
Attendance Letter 1 – 10 letters issued
Attendance letter 2 – 14 letters issued
Attendance letter 2b – 2 letters issued
Attendance letter 3 – 12 letters issued
Attendance letter 4 – 1 letter issued
PL1 Letter – Poor punctuality – 46 letters issued
This year, our children have missed an astonishing 1036 hours and 47 minutes of learning due to lateness. That equates to a total of 43 days of school lost due to lateness. Please support your child’s education by being on time, every time. Gates open at 8:30am with registration at 8:40am.
Parent / Teacher Meetings
Thanks to all parents and carers who have attended these recent meetings. We would value feedback from parents and carers on the new format of being in the hall for parent’s evening and of having the opportunity to book a slot during the afternoon rather than it being over two evenings. This is the 1st time we have tried it this way so if there are suggestions for any improvements, we would love to hear from you.
Please take a look at the vacancies we have in school at present. If you are interested or know of anyone who may be, please direct them to the vacancies section of our website…. https://www.northsteadprimary.co.uk/vacancies
North Yorkshire Water Park – KS2
A reminder to all parents and carers in KS2 to return the letters sent for this trip in June. Any questions, please see Mrs Gunstone.
Staff returning…
We are pleased to let our community know that Mrs Viney (Assistant Headteacher) has recently returned to school and Mrs Clark (Teaching Assistant (SEND) is due to return next Tuesday. Both will return to full time working after Easter.
We wish everyone in our community a great weekend.
Mr Hopper