First of all, we would like to wish all of our community a Happy New Year! We do hope 2023 will bring us joy, love, encouragement and success for all of us. Working together will enable all of us to do this and we look forward to lots more exciting opportunities for our children and a further drive towards excellence in all we do.
PSHE – Dreams and Goals
On Friday 6th January, there will be assemblies for our pupils to launch the third puzzle (theme) of the Jigsaw PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) scheme entitled ‘Dreams and Goals’. As a school, we will share inspirational stories of people who have faced challenges to achieve their goals and begin to reflect on the dreams or goals that we would like to achieve. We will also look at how we have to work hard, show resilience and take responsibility to achieve our dreams and goals and how each small step we take is part of the journey we are all making to be the best that we can be.
Other assemblies this term with a focus on ‘Dreams and Goals’ will include learning about Martin Luther King, Ada Lovelace, Charles Babbage and Tim Berners-Lee and how they helped form some of the ways in which we now live our lives through their own dreams and goals.
We will also have assemblies on community safety (Road Safety) and Safer Internet Day (6th February).
Curriculum Matters
Curriculum newsletters and learning journal information will be sent out by your child’s class teacher via class dojo very soon.
Spelling Bee
Look out for information about our annual Spelling Bee coming home soon. This will take place towards the end of this half term and parents/carers will be invited into school to watch the grand final.