With the festive period fast approaching, school is gearing up for the many events we have planned in school. We look forward to many exciting things beginning with our recording for ‘This is the Coast’ countdown to Christmas song. This will be followed with singing, acting, dancing and reading sessions for our EYFS and KS1 children as they get ready for their nativities. Alongside this, our Y5/6 children will be getting ready for their event with our Age Concern penpals. This will be followed in the last week of term with our own ‘grandparents’ coffee, cake and Christmas songs event. (Look out for details coming home this week).
We’ve had another jam-packed week in school. See below for details. Thanks as always for your amazing support for our school.
Children In Need
Well done to the Y5/6 children and staff on an amazing afternoon of raising money. Through creating and delivering their stalls, they were able to raise an amazing total of £1007.95 What an amazing amount of money to raise! A great community spirit all afternoon with book sales, bottle flips, sweets, cakes, games, candy floss, tree decorations and Christmas Cards all enticing the children to part with their money.
Just one example of one of our CORE values in action (Community)
Attendance Matters…
A vast improvement this week! Thanks everyone!
News from our classrooms this week…
In EYFS this week we have had fun learning about shadows, building bridges and celebrating our differences!
Key Stage One
Year 2 have had a very exciting week! One of our most exciting sessions was our visit to Italy! In food technology we explored the history of Italy’s signature dish, the pizza, and then even tasted different bread products to evaluate their suitability as a pizza base! In writing, we really enjoyed creating wanted posters to try and save the animals from our special text as they are endangered and at dangerous risk of becoming extinct! In P E, we continued to develop our ball control and even added defenders into our control challenge! Children in need was also great fun as we loved visiting the key stage 2 stalls to help raise money!
Key Stage Two
A great week in Year 4, with a variety of learning from the Mountain Rescue Team, about keeping safe on hills and mountains, to storage metal objects appearing in classrooms which has inspired our writing this week, to remembering that all differences should be embraced, as part of the anti bullying theme for this week, and ending remembering that there are others who appreciate our kindness, for Children in Need.
Year 3 have been publishing their very own revolting recipes for giants. They have worked hard to be clear and instructive when they sequence their gruesome steps. Also, we have designed WANTED posters for some dangerous giants. We have been inspired by The BFG by Roald Dahl and can’t wait to see what we will be creating next!
Year 5 have enjoyed learning Shakespeare’s script ‘The Tempest’ in writing this week. We looked in depth at character traits and links between characters in the play. In relation to plays and performances, we have started looking at set designs in Art. Class 16 created some visual notes when watching videos about Rae Smith’s Warhorse designs. They were shocked to see the range of resources and materials used within the design and are excited to create their own set designs this term.
In year 6, we have completed our art work topic of ‘Identity’. The children were really empowered to show their artistic flare when creating these individual pieces. They used many art skills such as sketching, collage, ink & liner drawing and water colours. They created images with multiple layers and textures.
School Council
This week we introduced school council for 2023-2024. A huge well done to the children who have been voted onto the school council for 2023-2024. Our 1st meeting takes place this Friday at 2:15pm. The school council will share their own news on the HT blog after every meeting so you know what they are up to. School council is made up of 1 child from every class in Y2 to Y6.